PC Guide 18
PC Guide CD-ROM (PCCD-18-12-96) (1996).iso
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212 lines
;Gets the latest "Hollywood Hotline's New On Home Video".
; ClockMan95 Automation Assistant support file
; (c) 1995 Graphical Dynamics, Inc. The "Common helper functions" are placed
; in the public domain; otherwise permission is granted to use/modify this
; script file as long as it's not for resale.
; Written by: Jennifer Palonus
; Date Who Major changes
;------- --- -------------------------------------------------------------
;18aug95 jlp Created.
define $ServiceName ; used by GoService
define #ServiceHasHdr ; used by GoService
define $MenuItem ; used by ChooseMenuItem & FindMenuItem
define $SubjectLine ; used by CaptureMsg
define $Prompt ; used by WaitForPrompt
define #OK ; used everywhere. Routines return %TRUE or /%FALSE
onerror HandleErrors
timeout 90
; Main processing section.
set $ServiceName "CIS:NMM-1"
set #ServiceHasHdr %FALSE
set $Prompt ^M^J "!"
gosub GoService
set $MenuItem "New On Home Video"
gosub FindMenuItem
if #OK = %FALSE fail
set $SubjectLine "Hollywood Hotline's New On Home Video"
gosub CaptureMsg
; Common helper functions. (These are placed in the "public domain" by GDI.)
; GoService
; Carries out a GO command & passes over the introductory text (if any).
; When this returns, you're ready to capture or parse the service's top menu.
; $ServiceName The CIS service you want to GO to.
; #ServiceHasHdr Does this service have an intro paragraph ending with a
; "MORE !" prompt?
set #OK %TRUE
sendln "GO " $ServiceName
if #ServiceHasHdr = %FALSE return
set $Prompt ^M^J "MORE !"
gosub WaitForPrompt
send %CR
; ChooseMenuItem
; Selects an article (by item #) from a menu. Upon return, you're ready to
; CaptureMsg it.
; $MenuItem The menu selection #.
; $SubjectLine The generated mail message's subject line if different
; than the default.
; $Prompt The prompt that ends the article. Usu. ^M^J "!".
set #OK %TRUE
set $Prompt ^M^J "!"
gosub WaitForPrompt
sendln $MenuItem
wait ^M^J ; Skip echo of menu item #
; FindMenuItem
; Selects the first item in a menu that contains the string in $MenuItem.
; Assumes the menu is being sent & ready to parse.
; This is for services that keep adding articles to the front of the menu,
; and the article we're looking for always has the same title. There can end
; up being 0, 1, or more items with the same name, in unpredictable positions
; in the menu. The 1st one we find (lowest item #) is the most recent one.
; (ex.: AP's "Today in History", or "<day>'s Most Active Stocks", etc.)
; Using this routine also protects you when the provider moves items around
; within a menu. (It doesn't protect against the provider changing menu
; item names or moving items to other menus.)
; Upon return, #OK is %TRUE or %FALSE depending on whether any items were
; found that contained $MenuItem. If %TRUE then $MenuItem is also set to the
; full menu item description & caller is ready to capture or parse the
; selected article/submenu.
; If $MenuItem is found in the preface to the menu, then I guess we could get
; into trouble!
; $MenuItem The menu selection name (or partial name).
; $SubjectLine The generated mail message's subject line if different
; than the default.
; $Prompt The prompt that ends the article. Usu. ^M^J "!".
define $FMILine
define $FMIItem
define $FMINum
define #FMIToken
define #FMIFound
set #OK %TRUE
add 1 "!"
add 2 ^M^J ; Examine each line in turn...
mwait #FMIToken
if #FMIToken = 2 goto FMICheckWholeLine
; ...else this is either a "!" or "MORE !" prompt, or a
; stray "!" or "MORE !" inside a whole line...
trim $FMILine
; If multipart menu, tell CIS to send next part...
if $FMILine = "MORE !" send %CR
if $FMILine = "MORE !" goto FMILoop
; If end of full menu & item wasn't found...
if $FMILine = "!" set #OK %FALSE
if $FMILine = "!" return
; Split off what should be item description & check it...
midstr $FMILine 4 255 $FMIItem
posnc #FMIFound $MenuItem $FMIItem
if #FMIFound = 0 goto FMILoop
; If we get here, we've found $MenuItem in a line...
midstr $FMILine 1 2 $FMINum
trim $FMINum ; We ASSUME first nonblank chars are a real menu item #!
; Now that we have our item, skip the rest of the menu...
set $Prompt ^M^J "!"
gosub WaitForPrompt
sendln $FMINum
wait ^M^J ; Skip echo of menu item #
set $MenuItem $FMIItem ; Return full menu item description
; CaptureMsg
; Assuming CIS is about to send us the text that we want to place into a mail
; message, this routine captures the text 'till we get a <CR> & ! prompt.
; $SubjectLine The custom subject line if different than the default.
; $Prompt The prompt that ends the article. Usu. ^M^J "!".
set #OK %TRUE
capture on CISMAIL.MSG
if $SubjectLine = "" WMH
if $SubjectLine <> "" WMH $SubjectLine
gosub WaitForPrompt
capture off
set $SubjectLine ""
; WaitForPrompt
; Wait till the end of a menu or opening text. This routine handles menus
; split up into multiple chunks, each of which end in "MORE !" prompts.
; If you DO want to wait for "MORE !", then set $Prompt to it.
; $Prompt The prompt you're waiting for. Usu. ^M^J "!".
define #WFPToken
set #OK %TRUE
add 1 $Prompt
add 2 ^M^J "MORE !"
mwait #WFPToken
if #WFPToken = 2 send %CR
if #WFPToken = 2 goto WaitForPrompt